Xiaomi VP Manu Kumar Jain has announced that they will donate lakhs of N95 masks and protective suits in India amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. According to Manu Jain, these masks will be distributed in states like Delhi, Punjab, and Karnataka. The handset maker will also donate hazmat suits to doctors at government hospitals like AIIMS.
Millions are in the fight against #COVID19. It's our duty to support doctors, paramedics & hospital staff!— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) March 23, 2020
Among other things, #Xiaomi is donating lakhs of N95 masks to govt. & hospitals. 😷 #XiaomiForIndia 🇮🇳
I urge all brands to support the cause!
Stay safe! #NoMiWithoutYou pic.twitter.com/uCWzB9iS5t
Manu Kumar Jain has also announced that all the Mi Homes will be shut & we won't be offering home delivery temporarily until further notice to support the government in stopping the spread of Covid-19.
In light of the current situation, we are taking all the necessary steps to support to government in stopping the spread of #COVID19— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) March 24, 2020
Abiding by the lockdown rules, all our Mi Homes will be shut & we won't be offering home delivery temporarily.
Stay safe!🙏 #IndiaFightsCorona pic.twitter.com/8j7ktnXJcB
Xiaomi India has also postponed all its upcoming sales and launches as they are focusing to support the nation in its fight against Covid-19. They said they are evaluating the situation and will release a revised date soon.