POCO's upcoming phone, Poco X3 is going to be a midrange king. Poco X3 comes with the key features of an expensive device but will be available on a midrange. POCO X3 India launch dates are yet to be revealed but it's expected to arrive by the end of this month. POCO X3 was announced globally on Monday, with the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G Chipset. The successor of the POCO X2 has been made available globally since yesterday i.e. September 8th. In a short time after the launch event, POCO India GM C Manmohan tweeted asking the fans of POCO in India that if they wanted to see the POCO X3 in India. We can also take this as an official confirmation that the Smartphone will soon be launched in the country, although the exact launch date is yet to be announced. C. Manmohan also stated that the price of POCO X3 will be around Rs 20,000+taxes.
Great job done @POCOGlobal team. #POCOX3 is an amazing product! 🤩#POCO India fans! Do you want us to launch it in India? Regular price will be €229 = ₹20,000 + taxes.
— C Manmohan #POCOForIndia (@cmanmohan) September 7, 2020
RT if you want us to launch it in India.
everything you need, nothing you don't. https://t.co/1pjAPfdhz8
Let's have a look at everything POCO X3 is going to offer to the buyers.
POCO X3 Specifications
Display: 6.67-inch screen, with 120Hz refresh rate.
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G
Storage: 64GB / 128GB
Front camera: 20-megapixel
Rear camera: 64-megapixel + 13-megapixel + 2-megapixel + 2-megapixel
Battery: 5160mAh
Operating Software: Android 10
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