6G is Here - The future on Internet

If you were hoping for 5G, you would be put off because 6G is now available and has already begun in certain areas. So, let's look at the 6G Future.

Testings related to 6G have already started in many places. Testing of 5G was going on, but now if we talk about 6G, currently LG is working on it. In fact, a 6G speed test also has been conducted here, and Samsung is also working on it. Another fun fact about this is that a 6G chip has already been brought to India.

So here, "G" means generation, and in every generation, an important feature keeps on adding to it. For example, 1G was for calling purposes, and GPRS and a slow internet was added in 2G, that in 3G, the internet was uplifted and video calling facilities also came with 3G, but it wasn't able to match the level of broadband. 4G has removed these setbacks and finally, you are able to stream videos in HD, you can do online gaming, call qualities have also been improved, and with all these the internet connectivity has also improved. Before 4G, consumption of data was very less in India, but after 4G came the scene completely changed here, so a similar thing will happen with 5G. If we see all previous trends, then we'll notice that there is an improvement of 50x to 1000x times every generation. It seems like, if 5G is improving 50x to 100x times then 6G will be 50x times or 1000x times faster than 5G.

6G is Here

All these things sound very cool, but the work is still in progress on it. For example, 5G commercial was rolled out in 2019, but Samsung had started working on it in 2019, and for 5G, if they have decided to launch in 2030, then they might have started working on it from now onwards. A speed test was also conducted here, where 1TB of data is transferred to a distance of 3,300 ft. under 1 second by using 6G technology. Well, this was under the testing phase, but it might be a reality by the year 2030. But one thing, the world will be different in 2030 than that of now, and 6G is there for solving the requirement in the future, and one of the biggest things about it will be, 6G will be 50x to 100x times faster than 5G, and you'll get to see 1/10th latency in 6G than 5G. It is assumed that by 2024-25, 3GPP will set standards in India, and the first set of formal specifications which is 6G will be ready by 2027, and it will officially roll out by 2030. Well, we will wait and see when will it come to India, 5G is also taking longer to come, meanwhile, in outside places they are preparing for 6G.

In 5G, here people want to stream videos in ultra HD, they want to download a complete movie or series in a few seconds, you'll get to see a few special things here, even people will connect their home IoT devices with 5G. As soon as 6G will come, everything will change. If we talk about Web 3.0 or the Metaverse, it sounds very futuristic and it doesn't seem like the technology which is currently available is not capable of properly implementing this, but when 6G comes, this problem of Web 3.0/ Metaverse get resolved. One point might come when self-driving will be possible in 6G. It is also possible in 5G, but we haven't seen the implementation of it, because still there are many limitations. But as improvements will take place in technology, then self-driving cars, Artificial Intelligence will also be possible and will be improved, and especially Virtual Reality things like Holograph, AR, etc. will be developed in a better way, which right now we're seeing in Sci-Fi only. Already work is in progress on the SOCs, how they can be made more feasible and how they can be put into the smallest form factor.

Well, if we discuss 6G, here high vortex-frequency radio waves will be ‎used which will use the vortex millimeter wave, by which their strength might get weaker but the data transfer speed will be more. Here 6G will help in making many things AI-driven and automated, and it might make the lives of people easier. But it won't be used in a way where suddenly your internet speed increases. As we have already seen, 5G doesn't impact much directly, but the major use case of this is pretty much different. Now let's wait and see when it will come and how it will be implemented in the future.

Stay tuned to CERadar for more such content.

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